Bev FrancisMany people have theories about why Francis was never awarded first place in these bodybuilding competitions, and I think that Guy Trebay explained it best in his article “The Body Politic: Weighing In on the Modern Amazon,” featured in the March 28, 2000 issue of the New York Times. Trebay writes:
“She was generally considered one of the most muscularly developed women anyone had ever seen, and—using the objective measures of body mass and definition—one of the best. But Bev Francis, whose career would extend over most of the next decade, never won a major bodybuilding contest, not that Ohio one, not ever. Even in the eyes of those accustomed to the weirder forms of hypertrophy, she was considered "unfeminine," daunting, freakish, ‘too much like a man.’ Her very presence threatened people with gender illegibility.”
Basically, Tebay is saying that people, both men and women, were intimidated by Bev Francis and uncomfortable with her non-conformance to typical gender roles. People felt that she was too “masculine,” even for a bodybuilder. Even though she was considered the best by many, she never won a competition due to the judges’ discomfort with her appearance. I feel that the typical standard of “femininity” was applied, even to female bodybuilders, and Francis did not meet this standard. In her time, female bodybuilders looked like Rachel McLish, lean and muscular, but still “feminine.” I feel that by breaking the rules and challenging how society defined femininity, Bev Francis provided future female bodybuilders with opportunities they may not have otherwise had.